Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Strategey Using Five And Ten Times Tables

WALT: use doubles and Halfs to work out our multiplication  problems.

Watch my video and you will learn how to use five and ten times tables. I am making a movie to show you how to use your five and ten times tables to help you do a easier way to solve a math question like 16x5. So keep watching.

What? We are making a maths strategy sample.
Why? To show we understand the strategy, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 4/5
Who? The World

Evaluation - how well do I think I did (target/criteria) I think that I could work on making it a bit better but I think I did a good job

Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent: I think that your movie showed that you know how to solve your five times tables and your ten times tables. I think you could work on doing a higher number so you could learn it.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My End Of Term Reflection

My end of term reflection
WALT: evaluate our learning honestly
What is an effective learner?  An effective leaner is someone who gets, there work done in the time given and who doesn't talk to anyone while they are learning.
What were the highlights for this term? Why? My highlights were writing because I learnt about insulation and wrote a story about it, math because I learnt the double and half strategy and CMIYC because I learn new skills.
What were your greatest challenges this term?  Why? Getting my writing done in time because if I didn't I couldn't put if on my blog and share it at Student Led Conference this term.  
How are you going towards acting with integrity? Why?  How could you improve? I think I did ok at showing integrity because when we have to get down to the mat I normally walk past staff just to get ready and be the first one on the mat. I could improve by getting down to the mat while picking and putting away staff. 
What are your goals in our learner disposition wall?  Where to next? My goals this term was to stay on task independently and be aware of blockers. I think I did good on looking aware of blockers but I could work on staying on task independently. My goals next term is to find an appropriate person to help me with my learning and stay on task independently.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Writing About Insulation

I have been writing about insulation. If you are wondering what insulation start reading my writing.

Grass Hopper Tennis

WALT: improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting. 

Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball.

Why? To reflect on how we are going with the tennis skills we have learnt. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 8 Who? The World

Task: complete the rubric with targets to show your reflection. Make a comment to the questions below?

Evaluation: I think I would give myself a 8 out of ten because I don't think I am good at making post.

1. What are you most proud of and why? I am most proud of doing the race track because it was really hard last year but now I can do it.

2. What challenged you the most and Why? Slice the cheese was challenging for me because I don't have a stedy hand and I am not good at it.

3. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? My goal would be to do a better job on slice the 

Feedback-feedforward from a buddy/teacher/parent: I think that you did a great job Taylor and you really thought about this carefully so I will give you a score out of 10/10 I think you did a very good job #Calais 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Integrity Sample

W.A.L.T: Show Integrity
Why? To showcase our understanding of this terms value of Integrity. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 7
Who? The World/ Emma Painia and me.

Task: make a panoramic photo showing integrity

Description: Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. We made two panoramic photos two show one that is showing integrity and one not showing integrity. The first one is the one that wasn't showing integrity. I wasn't showing integrity because, I was climbing this slide and we are nod aloud to climb the slide. The one at the bottem is showing integrity. It is showing integrity because Emma and Painia to put it away.

I show integrity in Poutama  because when I am in class learning and some of when kids are talking about what they are doing after I ignore them and get on with my work.

Evaluation: I think that I worked well with Emma and Painia I would give myself a 10 out of ten.

Feedback and feedforward: I like the way you have used Integrity in your first photo Taylor. I think next time you could fit more than just 1 person in the Panoramic photo but Great Work Taylor.
- Grace C

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Potential And Kinetic Energy

WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we have made a video to explain how energy works.
What? Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about our understanding of energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction
Why? To show what we know about how energy works, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 6
Who? The World
I would give myself 
Evaluation - how well do I think I did (target/criteria) I think that me Hannah and Emma showed kotahitanga and so I would give myself a 10 out of 10

Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent: 

States Of Matter

WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we have made a video to explain how energy works.

What? Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about our understanding of energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction
Why? To show what we know about how energy works, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 6
Who? The World
Evaluation - how well do I think I did (target/criteria) I did a great job with my movie that me Emma and Hannah worked on I would give myself a 10 out of 10.

Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent: I really like your little movie it is nice. You did show what we have learned in science. I would say you don't need to work on anything. Aalaa 

Newtons Cradle

                                                             Newtons Cradle
My question today is how does a newtons cradle work?

A newtons cradle works by holding one metal ball while the other four stay still not being held. Then you let the ball go.

Here is a diagram explaining how a newtons cradle works.

The balls have to touch.

Then you hold one ball and when you hold it is called potential energy and when you let it go it is kinetic. Then you let it go.

It goes forwards and backwards until it comes to an end.

So this is how a newtons cradle works.

WALT: inform

DESCRIPTION: We were writing something of  what was have learned about energy.

What? We are publishing a piece of writing.

Why?, To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.

When? Week 6

Who? The World

Evaluation - how well do I think I did (target/criteria)I think I did well because I did a great writing for a newtons cradle and what it is. I think I would give myself a 9 out of 10

  1. Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent: I like your pictures Taylor because you really captured the moment when the marbles were moving from side to side. I think your goals for next time are to explain further about how the energy goes through all the marbles and then finally it reaches the end marble ect. By Grace C

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


WALT: rote learn (learn off by heart)
This week and last week we were making a mnemonic to put it on evidence of learning. A mnemonic is when you have a word and then you put each letter of the word into one sentience. here is an example. My word is scientific. Soccer children invent every night to impress fish in California. here are my real words. We are making a literacy sample.
To show a strategy to help us learn our spelling words, to share during our Student Led Conference. I would give myself a 10 out of 10.

Feedback Feedforward: I like how every Mnemonic is a different colour and the humour in some of them. I think your goals for next time are to maybe illustrate a picture to go with your Mnemonics and to maybe use different fonts for each Mnemonic :D.
By Grace C :D

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Learning Partner

Me and Zara made a pic college showing how learning partners help you 
with your learning?
We put a lot of time into it.
Reflection: I think we did a great job of thinking and the colour.