Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Newtons Cradle

                                                             Newtons Cradle
My question today is how does a newtons cradle work?

A newtons cradle works by holding one metal ball while the other four stay still not being held. Then you let the ball go.

Here is a diagram explaining how a newtons cradle works.

The balls have to touch.

Then you hold one ball and when you hold it is called potential energy and when you let it go it is kinetic. Then you let it go.

It goes forwards and backwards until it comes to an end.

So this is how a newtons cradle works.

WALT: inform

DESCRIPTION: We were writing something of  what was have learned about energy.

What? We are publishing a piece of writing.

Why?, To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.

When? Week 6

Who? The World

Evaluation - how well do I think I did (target/criteria)I think I did well because I did a great writing for a newtons cradle and what it is. I think I would give myself a 9 out of 10

  1. Feedback/feedforward from buddy/teacher/parent: I like your pictures Taylor because you really captured the moment when the marbles were moving from side to side. I think your goals for next time are to explain further about how the energy goes through all the marbles and then finally it reaches the end marble ect. By Grace C


  1. Taylor I thought you did a great job and put pictures in it. I think you told everyone what a Newton cradle was well. You said what kinetic was and potential really good. I think you could improve on putting more writing in the diagram part.

    -Zara Hardy

    1. Thanks for the feedback and feed forward.

  2. Taylor I really like the way you have included the pictures to show each type of energy in action. It would have been great to see you add a bit more scientific information behind it to inform the readers.
