Thursday, June 26, 2014

My End Of Term Reflection

My end of term reflection
WALT: evaluate our learning honestly
What is an effective learner?  An effective leaner is someone who gets, there work done in the time given and who doesn't talk to anyone while they are learning.
What were the highlights for this term? Why? My highlights were writing because I learnt about insulation and wrote a story about it, math because I learnt the double and half strategy and CMIYC because I learn new skills.
What were your greatest challenges this term?  Why? Getting my writing done in time because if I didn't I couldn't put if on my blog and share it at Student Led Conference this term.  
How are you going towards acting with integrity? Why?  How could you improve? I think I did ok at showing integrity because when we have to get down to the mat I normally walk past staff just to get ready and be the first one on the mat. I could improve by getting down to the mat while picking and putting away staff. 
What are your goals in our learner disposition wall?  Where to next? My goals this term was to stay on task independently and be aware of blockers. I think I did good on looking aware of blockers but I could work on staying on task independently. My goals next term is to find an appropriate person to help me with my learning and stay on task independently.

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