Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Test

In poutama the teachers and students wanted to find out what goal we would be in. We simply got a test for math. We have ten minutes to finish the test. Try get more questions done over forty. Then once we've done the test I want you to double your score up. If you pass eighty that means
 you'll be moving on to stage. These test were knowledge test- we need to know these thing within 3 seconds.

Big Idea:
 My goal is we are learning to write  numbers in Oder to 1000, including fractions. I can achieve this goal by practicing every day until I can get the answer quickly. I will try achieve it by the end of the month. I will know I'm successful when I can order numbers quickly.


  1. Taylor, I can see that you just need to work on your speed for these concepts as I know you have a good maths brain. Just remember to practise at home for 10 minutes a night and smash out some prove its in the mornings.

  2. Good job. You did really well on your test
