For a couple of weeks we have been doing some swimming for our swimming sports. We practiced freestyle backstroke and we will be practicing breaststroke.
Big Idea:
Big Idea:
My swimming sports goal is to try beat last years score in breaststroke. I can do this by practicing a lot harder.
My swimming goal's in our school pool is to not wiggle my bottom. I can do this by kicking from my knees not my waist.
My swimming goal's in our school pool is to not wiggle my bottom. I can do this by kicking from my knees not my waist.
My next goal is to take three or five strokes then a breath. I can do this by counting in my head.
Evaluation: I think that when I did breaststroke I did very well. I know I did well because I was in front of everyone.
When I watched myself I thought that I almost completed my goal because I saw myself wiggle my bottom.
When I practiced my strokes and breath I kept on breathing on the same side. But I have completed my goal. I know this because I watched myself breath on both sides.