Thursday, February 27, 2014

Swimming sport reflection

WALT: Evaluate our learning honestly
Task: Reflect on your efforts at swimming sports day
Success Criteria:
Use an image here.
Answer questions honestly.
Use correct spelling and punctuation.
Ask your learning partner to write you some feedback. Remember Austin’s Butterfly.
What are you most proud of at swimming sports and why? I was proud of being in the water when I was doing my breath stroke and freestyle and back stroke.

What challenged you the most and Why? My challenge was doing breath stroke because I have never done it in a 25 meter pool a specially doing it in a race.

How did you show kotahitanga? I was showing kotahitanga by when people lost I said nice try or good job or you gave it your best shot and when they won 1st 2nd or 3rd I said nice job or good job you did a nice swim.

Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Practices harder train harder and concentrate very well.

Peer Comment: Well done on your reflection. You have done an amazing job. I have seen you using unity and togetherness and you did a great job. Well done I love your goal for next time and I liked it because you are making it interesting for the audience.Bella

1 comment:

  1. Great reflection Taylor. I was neat to hear that you challenged yourself with breast stroke. I wonder what training you would do to achieve your goals next time?
